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Environmentally safe products from the brand «Sushkar» for hygiene in extreme conditions
One of the negative factors contributing to illness without access to clean water is increased moisture. Friction from wet shoes, combined with high temperatures, increases the risk of developing blisters on the feet. To prevent blisters, calluses, irritations, and fungal infections, products from the brand «Sushkar» especially the foot dryer, can help.
Why is it important to care not only for clean feet?
In field conditions, like during long hikes, expeditions, active training on the range, or combat duty, feet endure excessive strain. Among the negative factors affecting foot skin are shoe pressure, which may not be very comfortable, rubbing, high temperatures, and increased moisture. These factors together lead to the formation of cracks, abrasions, and blisters. A common companion of tight shoes and excessive moisture is foot fungus, a fungal infection that most often occurs between the toes. This condition can make walking painful. For military personnel on duty, such an issue can impair combat readiness, preventing them from carrying out their duties.
In regular daily life, we rarely face such problems because regular showering or bathing helps wash away harmful microflora, avoiding unpleasant consequences. Irregular foot hygiene can lead to fungal infections, abrasions, and irritations. Special hygiene products designed for field conditions can help prevent the appearance of fungal formations. These can be moist antiseptic wipes, dry showers for hands and feet (special wipes soaked in foamy gel).
Signature features of the foot dryer:
«Sushkar» is a powder made from natural sorbent designed for drying and cleaning feet, shoes, and socks.
Main effects of the foot dryer:
- Normalizes sweating.
- Eliminates unpleasant odor.
- Prevents fungal infections.
- Prevents blister formation.
- Provides dry cleaning.
The foot dryer works best when applied to shoes overnight.
«Sushkar» is often used as a prevention measure against foot fungus caused by excessive moisture. The powder absorbs sweat, thoroughly drying the skin of the foot, thus preventing the formation of a nourishing environment for the fungus.
High temperature and excessive moisture are also triggers for the formation of abrasions between the toes and blisters that crack and peel. Such abrasions may be accompanied by itching, blistering, and cracking. These manifestations do not occur on thoroughly dried skin.
The foot dryer also serves as a prevention measure against unpleasant odors. Increased foot perspiration not only causes abrasions and blisters but also unpleasant odors. Sweat provides an excellent breeding ground for bacteria, which produce odor during their life cycle.
Head skin hygiene in extreme conditions
In the absence of showers, hot running water, maintaining scalp cleanliness is aided by OPAL POWDER dry shampoo. Dry shampoo stands out for its exceptionally high-quality formula for thorough and gentle hair care. The shampoo does not contain talc, thus ensuring a natural hair appearance.
Powder shampoo acts on the scalp like a sponge, absorbing scalp oils, thoroughly cleansing without water. After using dry shampoo, you get not only clean hair but also natural volume and freshness throughout the day.
To order the foot dryer «Sushkar» and dry shampoo, you can contact the provided phone numbers on the Shower Pack website.